Keyboard Shortcuts for EDM Vibration Control System Software
For those who prefer to use keyboard shortcuts instead of a mouse, EDM for the Spider-81, Spider-81B, and Spider-80X has many shortcuts that make vibration testing even faster.
Command Keys
Cache Signal: Ctrl-K (Cache signals in the active window. If there are many signals in the active window, cache all of them.The cached signals will be listed in the cached pane at the lower left corner.)
Test Config: Ctrl-T (Configure current test)
Global Setting: Ctrl-G (Global settings)
New window: Ctrl-W (Open an overlaid new empty window)
Auto/Fix-Y: Ctrl-Y (Toggle Auto scale and fix scale the Y axis of active window)
Auto/Fix-X: Ctrl-X (Toggle Auto scale and fix scale the X axis of active window)
Auto/Fix all: Ctrl-Q (Toggle Auto scale and fix scale for all windows)
Open Plot Property: Ctrl-P (Open the dialog box of the plot property)
Un-Zoom: Ctrl-Z (Zoom back to the previous scaling range for the active window)
Tab: Tab (Change the active window to the next)
Scroll plots (left,right): Left and right keys (Move the plot scales to the left or right for about 1/20 of the active window)
Scroll plots (up,down): Up and down keys (Move the plot scales to the top or bottom for about 1/20 of the active window)
Help: F1 (Open a Help file)
Run, Start: F2 (Start the test or measurement)
Pause, Hold: F3 (Pause or hold the test)
Continue: F4 (Continue the test)
Stop: F5 (Stop the test)
Record: F6 (Record time stream)
Save Sigs: F7 (Save signals in the list)
New Test: Ctrl-N (Create a new test)
Find Test: Ctrl-F (Find test; open find test tab)
Copy image: Ctrl-C (Copy the image of active window to clipboard)
Add Annotation: Ctrl-A (Add annotation to the active window if there is no cursor. Add annotation to the cursor location if there is a cursor.)
Save Window Signal: Ctrl-S (Save signals in active window)
Cursor on/off: Spacebar (Enable or disable the cursor on the active window)
Time Stream: Ctrl+1
Time Blocks: Ctrl+2
Spectrum: Ctrl+3
Frequency Response Function: Ctrl+4
Composite: Ctrl+5
Digital I/O: Ctrl+6
Channel Status: Ctrl+7
Customize: Ctrl+Shift+I
Save Active Window as: Ctrl+Shift+s
Connect: Ctrl+Shift+C
Disconnect: Ctrl+Shift+D