EDM Modal is a complete Modal Testing and Modal Analysis suite for Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA). It was developed based upon the sophisticated technologies of modern modal analysis theory and technique.
EDM Modal Geometry/ODS/Animation is the primary EDM Modal software module, and is required for every EDM Modal system. This option provides fast and efficient structural model generation and full 3D visualization of test and analysis results.
The vibration visualization approach helps in overcoming the difficulty of producing 3D geometries of any complicated models with a simple procedure and also animates the structure’s deformation which makes it possible to visualize the vibration experienced by the testing article during a vibration test.
EDM Modal Hammer Impact Testing provides the necessary features for a single-operator experimental modal test. The Hammer Impact GUI features an intuitive step-by-step process, allowing a user to easily go through the setup and then the testing.
SIMO FRF Testing includes a dedicated test setup and operation process flow using a single shaker to acquire FRF signals. Using a large channel count data acquisition system, this shaker excitation method provides much higher test execution efficiency for the FRF measurements.
MIMO FRF Testing includes a dedicated test setup and operation process flow using multiple simultaneous shakers to acquire FRF signals. With multiple excitation highly couple modes can be identified using the Poly-reference method.
EDM Modal Sine Testing includes a dedicated test setup and operation process flow using a single or multiple modal shakers outputting a sine wave to acquire FRF signals.
EDM Modal Operational Modal Testing (OMA Testing) includes a dedicated test setup and operation process flow using ambient vibration data. The Cross Power Spectrum signals are used to identify the modes.
EDM Modal Standard Modal Analysis provides the user with a complete arsenal of tools, from FRF data selection and parameter identification to results validation and mode shape animation. EDM Modal Premium Modal Analysis includes all the features of Standard & Advanced Modal Analysis.
EDM Modal Correlation Analysis allows the user to correlate two modal models; EMA and/or FEA models. Comparing the experimental data with that acquired through finite element analysis helps in validating the test results.