MIMO Transient Time History
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output TTH VCS
Using template based importing tools, time waveform in various formats are imported into EDM VCS. Scaling, editing, digital re-sampling, high-pass, low-pass filtering, and compensation will tailor the waveform and duplicate it on a shaker. Compensation methods include pre-pulse, post-pulse, DC removal and high-pass filters. Supports up to 512 input channels
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Transient Time History Vibration Control
Pre-stored Profiles
Pre-stored profiles include Bellcore Z1 & Z2, Bellcore Z3, Bellcore Z4, (Burst) Sine, Triangle, Chirp, Burst Chirp, White Noise (Burst Random), Sine Beat, Sine Beat (multiple frequency), Door Slam (Ford), Decay sine (linear/angular frequency), Sine Burst.
The additional option required to run profiles with sampling frequency lower than 120 Hz is included by default since EDM 7.0. Supports up to 512 input channels.
Safety Features
- Abort Sensitivity: a single parameter allows the ensitivity and tolerance of various safety checks to be asily adjusted between customizable lower and upper bounds
- Shaker Safety Limits: limits for shaker acceleration, velocity, and displacement
- Open Loop Detection: open loop detection for control signal and each input channel. Detection is based on maximum control loss or maximum RMS rate of change in the input channels.
- Control Limits: enforces abort time limits for control signals. Allowable ratio of points exceeding abort limits to total number points in a frame: 0 – 100%
- Max Drive Limit: maximum voltage limit for drive output
- Time Domain Limit: Raw, or RMS to any input channel
Continuous Data Recording
During vibration testing, all measurement input and drive signals can continuously record to a Spider-NAS or the internal storage residing in each front-end. Users can view and analyze data files with Crystal Instruments Post Analyzer. The variable sampling rate can be enabled to simultaneously record slow-change signals together with high speed vibration data.
Vibration Utilities App
Crystal Instruments in partnership with our sister shaker company Sentek Dynamics provides users with the Vibration Utilities mobile app on iOS and Android. This app provides calculation features for sizing your vibration profile (Random, Sine or Shock) and searches through our catalogue of shakers and controllers for the best fit.

MIMO Transient Time History (TTH) Vibration Testing Hardware
- Spider-80M - MIMO Vibration Testing System
MIMO Vibration Testing Software
- MIMO Shaker Systems
- MIMO Random Vibration Testing
- MIMO Sine Vibration Testing
- MIMO Shock Vibration Testing
- MIMO Shock Response (SRS) Vibration Testing
- MIMO Time Waveform Replication (TWR) Vibration Testing
Monitoring Through EDM Cloud
All vibration tests in EDM-VCS support status checks through EDM Cloud. With EDM Cloud support, users can set up any VCS test to upload live data or run logs for completed tests to a cloud storage space provided by Crystal Instruments, where data is securely stored in the user’s account.
The EDM Cloud website is located at https://cloud.go-ci.com. Users can access EDM Cloud from anywhere in the world to check the status of past and current tests. A secure login flow ensures the status can only be checked by authorized personnel with proper credentials. Multiple logins for accessing the same Cloud account is available.