Crystal Instruments offers high channel and handheld machine condition monitoring solutions.
Machine Condition Monitoring
Smooth running process machinery buoys and maintains the world’s economy. Products ranging from gasoline and chemicals to paper and steel are produced by continuous manufacturing processes. Nuclear, coal-fired, natural gas fueled, hydroelectric, wind powered or tidal-driven power generation plants must produce continuously. Unexpected stoppages are the anathema of all these industries and vibration monitoring is a proven means of preventing them.
Effectively monitoring the operating health and rapidly diagnosing the occasional mechanical woes of production machines is a vital survival mission in today’s competitive business world. Today’s monitoring technology has divided to follow two equally important strategic paths. Expensive plants and critical machines are continuously monitored by permanently installed systems. Less critical machines (and plants monitored by external contractors) are protected by routed periodic measurements made using handheld data collector/analyzers guided by advanced database and analysis software. Crystal Instruments produces innovative offerings in support of both strategies.
Continuous Monitoring Solutions
Web-Based Continuous Condition Monitoring
Continuous measurement of shaft-to-case gaps
Continuous measurement of case accelerations
Track bearing temperatures, lubricant debris
Share data anywhere, anytime via Internet
Local recording to solid-state mass memory
Automatic record-on-alarm operation
Periodic Monitoring Solutions
Route-Based Periodic Condition Monitoring
Design and manage monitoring relational database
Measure consistent error-free data along route
Make voice-annotated data recordings of problems
Upload data to PC; generate alarms and reports
Make at-machine diagnostic measurements
Perform 1 and 2 plane rotor balancing
Machine Condition Monitoring Applications