Off Route Measurements on CoCo-70X
Off-Route measurements have recently been introduced as a new acquisition mode for the CoCo-70X. Off Route measurements offer a wide variety of analysis functions, and the measurements acquired by these functions are stored to assets in the VDS database. Off Route measurements can be quite useful in conjunction with Route Mode – it allows additional measurements to be taken during route collection, without any of the restrictions imposed by Route mode. By providing access to any of the CoCo’s signal analysis functions, Off Route measurements can be useful for troubleshooting and diagnostic applications.
Off route measurement functions are placed in two groups: Quick Analysis and Manual Analysis. Quick Analysis functions are pre-configured, designed for a variety of applications without requiring any setup. Manual Analysis functions provide customizable analysis tools for many applications.
Figure 1: List of Quick Analysis and Manual Functions
Off Route measurements are linked to machines in the database using a system called Job Management. When taking Off Route data, the measurements are stored under jobs and each job is assigned to a machine. The job-machine relationship is maintained after syncing the CoCo with VDS, so Off Route measurements are automatically associated with the correct machines.
The CoCo-70X Off Route data can be easily synced to VDS. After syncing the data, the Off Route measurements can be found using the Asset Manager. Select a machine and navigate the Test Groups in the bottom left corner to display individual signal measurements.
Figure 2: Saving Off Route Data to a machine in VDS