What's Required to Bring Vibration Testing In House?
"So the question is on the table. Should we use an external laboratory to do our vibration tests or purchase equipment and do the work in-house? Clearly, using an outside facility avoids the capital costs to build and equip our own testing laboratory. We avoid all of the facility running costs and testing equipment maintenance and we don’t need to cultivate our own vibration testing expertise. But having our own equipment would give us far better control of scheduling, avoiding repetitive packing and transport issues and providing us with far better security. Further, having such equipment at hand and people who know how to work with it will likely be a big advantage if a new (or revised) product exhibits quality problems detected by vibration testing."
-Jim Rothwell and George Fox Lang in an excerpt from "What's Required to Bring Vibration Testing In House?" March 2016 Cover Story for Sound & Vibration Magazine.
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