ESTECH 2018 Review
Crystal Instruments (CI) recently attended IEST’s ESTECH 2018 conference in Orlando, Florida. This conference is for leading professionals in product reliability, nanotechnology facilities, environmental testing, and controlled environment rooms (clean rooms). From various working groups, seminars, and classes, ESTECH is a great opportunity to meet and understand the changing demands in industry, academia, and government.
Joined by our sister company Sentek Dynamics, CI displayed the flagship CoCo-80X along with the Spider-80Xi high channel count vibration controller running Sentek’s table top shakers. The conference began on the last day in April and ran into the beginning of May (April 30th to May 3rd). Overall, the attendance was higher than it had been in past years with participants turning out from various disciplines and industries all centered on the test and measurement field.
Reza Tevana - Director of Sales, Sentek Dynamics
This year Crystal Instruments joined the working group focused on vibration testing. Crystal Instruments will now formally act as a voting member and provide recommendations along with the other members on changes and updates to the vibration tests called out in MIL-Standard 810. Crystal Instruments sent founder and president James Zhuge to attend the MIL-STD 810 working group. Here James was able to directly get involved and provide guidance on advancements with regards to vibration control testing technologies.
James mentioned that “…the experience was all around insightful” stating that he felt “without input from equipment manufacturers the standards can to easily lose relevance with the updated capabilities and tools that are available to testing engineers”. CI looks forward to continuing their contributions to the vibration test working group and will join the ESTECH 2019 conference as an exhibitor in Las Vegas.