VIATC in Niagara Falls
Andrew Slaboda (Sales Engineer) and Drew Sain (Application Engineer) attended this year’s Vibration Institute Annual Training Conference (VIATC) to share solutions for Predictive Maintenance (PdM), with a focus on machine condition monitoring and rotating machinery testing. Vibration Institute (VI) is the top authority for training predictive maintenance training and solutions, with qualified experts leading training sessions.
Crystal Instruments provides market-leading solutions for predictive maintenance. The ruggedized CoCo-70X has an IP-67 rating and up to 4 input channels, the popular CoCo-80/90X handheld analyzer is configurable up to 16 input channels, and the compact Spider-20 has a high sampling rate up to 256 kHz.
Andrew Slaboda (Sales Engineer) and Drew Sain (Application Engineer) presenting at the Crystal Instruments booth.
For more information on how our equipment can help you with vibration data collection, dynamic signal analysis, data recording needs, and vibration testing please contact