Oregon State University Purchased High Channel Count Spider-80SGi System for Geotechnical Projects
64-channel Spider-80SGi data acquisition system - The DAQ will also be available to other researchers at OSU. Crystal instruments is proud to contribute to the academia world by providing a powerful tool for their research work.
In-situ cyclic testing of low plasticity silts using the NHERI@UTEXAS Mobile Shaker; courtesy of Prof. Stuedlein
Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR recently purchased a 64-channel Spider-80SGi data acquisition system. Dr. Armin W. Stuedlein, professor of geotechnical engineering said the Spider DAQ will be used for studies on in-situ liquefaction and cyclic softening studies, performance of ground improvements, and testing of full-scale foundations. The DAQ will also be available to other researchers at OSU. Crystal instruments is proud to contribute to the academia world by providing a powerful tool for their research work. Prof. Stuedlein serves on the Soil Improvement and Risk Assessment and Management Committees at the ASCE Geo-Institute, and is an editor for the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. For more information, please visit Prof. Stuedlein’s research website:
The Spider-80Xi/80SGi general purpose data acquisition system can be carried in one hand and is optimal for field environment testing, featuring a 32-channel chassis weighing less than 15 lbs. Users can combine multiple chassis to create a system of hundreds of channels. The latest Spider-80SGi front ends accommodates a variety of input types, such as voltage, strain gage, bridge based sensors, MEMS DC-based sensors, and IEPE sensors.
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