November 2022 modal training seminar with Dr. Pete Avitabile (Vancouver, BC)
The latest Experimental Modal Analysis Seminar was held from November 8-9, 2022 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Crystal Instruments partnered with Dalimar Instruments to present these modal training seminars in Canada. During the seminar, Dr. Pete Avitabile covered the basics of modal measurements, impact hammer tests, and shaker tests. The modal training seminar participants learned the theory behind techniques, performed measurements, and received hands-on training experience.
Experts from a variety of industries including academia, fuel systems, nuclear energy, and the military attended the seminar. Participants were provided with Spider-20HE units in addition to the latest version of EDM Modal software. A signed certificate of training completion was provided for all participants at the end of the seminar.
(click to enlarge image below.)
The next Experimental Modal Analysis Seminar is scheduled for March 7-9, 2023 at the CI Testing Lab in Silicon Valley.