Installing PythonNet for Spyder

Spyder is a popular IDE for Python developers in math and science applications. PythonNet is not included in Spyder’s pre-built packages, so the following steps need to be taken to install PythonNet in Spyder:

1. First install Miniconda here: Miniconda — Conda documentation

2. Windows search for the Anaconda prompt

a. Right-click “Run as Administrator”

Installing PythonNet for Spyder

3. Run the following commands as recommended on the Spyder > Conda environment webpage:

conda create -c conda-forge -n spyder-env spyder numpy scipy pandas matplotlib sympy cython
conda activate spyder-env
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
conda config --env --set channel_priority strict

a. If conda is not a recognized command, then it needs to be set up in the computer’s Environment Variables Path.




Installing PythonNet for Spyder

4. Install Pythonnet by running:

conda install -c conda-forge pythonnet

5. Open Spyder, and click the Python environment and select “Change default environment in Preferences” in the lower-right hand corner:

python environment - preferences

6. Select the dropdown under “Use the following Python interpreter” and select the entry corresponding to the environment you made in “Miniconda3" (aka name is “spyder-env” if you copied the commands above”

a. Note: if you only installed Miniconda for your own account, the file path may also be under: “C:\Users\<name>\miniconda3\envs\spyder-env”

Python interpreter

7.  Click “Restart Kernel” at the console

Restart Kernel

8.  “import clr” should successfully run now. You may need to restart the Spyder program or the Anaconda console.

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