Overview of MotionFest 2022 by MotionTech in Israel (May 24th, 2022)

Crystal Instruments and Sentek Dynamics presented solutions and technical presentations during MotionFest in Israel on May 24, 2022. The event took place at a beautiful outdoor venue to facilitate the networking of over 200 users of environmental vibration testing in the Israeli industry. The attendees comprised of professionals from different laboratories in Aerospace, Defense and Electronic Israelian companies.

Crystal Instruments and Sentek Dynamics treated attendees to an overview of Multi-Resolution analysis and an educational presentation about MIMO (multi-input and multi-output) vibration systems. After the presentations, attendees were offered live demonstrations at the Crystal Instruments and Sentek Dynamics booth to observe the capabilities of a MIMO system with two vertical axes.

Visitors at our booth also inquired about our CoCo-80X handheld analyzer, dynamic signal analysis systems and large GVT solutions for structural monitoring applications. Many professionals using environmental vibration testing and data acquisition for condition monitoring applications tested our equipment and discussed interesting applications.

Please contact sales@go.ci.com for more information on how our equipment can help you with vibration data collection, dynamic signal Analysis and vibration testing.