Recent Experimental Modal Analysis Seminar with Dr. Pete Avitabile
Crystal Instruments recently hosted an Experimental Modal Analysis Seminar with Dr. Pete Avitabile at the Crystal Instruments Training Center in Kannapolis, North Carolina. Over the course of three days, participants benefited from lectures by Dr. Avitabile in the morning and received hands-on experience with practical modal testing hardware and software in the afternoon. Crystal Instruments latest structural testing software and hardware systems were provided to further expand the learning experience.
All participants received one-on-one time with Dr. Avitabile in the classroom.
A common motivation to attend the seminar was described as, “I’m dealing with a problem, I think that I need natural frequencies and mode shapes, and I don’t know where to start.”
If this sounds like you, you’re not alone! Note the following benefits of attending Crystal Instruments Experimental Modal Analysis Seminar:
1. Learn how to take better measurements.
Without good data, you won’t obtain dependable results. Good measurements will give you the data needed for post-processing. As the saying goes, “garbage in, garbage out!”
2. Learn the framework for modal analysis.
The material covered will help demystify some of the more common misconceptions surrounding modal analysis and will improve your approach to modal problems. You may experience a paradigm shift from this seminar! (The author of this article did!)
3. Connect with a fantastic group of people.
At the modal seminar, we have been fortunate to see engineers and researchers in different disciplines come together to learn and exchange ideas.
The seminar will not provide a magical solution to your current problem.
However, it will help you discover the framework and techniques for modal analysis. You’ll be able to see your specific problem in a whole new light, develop more effective problem-solving strategies, and be able to tackle other modal challenges!
We hope to see you at the next modal seminar! For more information, check out our seminar page – we would love to help you invest in yourself and enhance your expertise in such a challenging field! Feel free to check out our EDM Modal software suite as well.