Vibration Utilities App Update

Crystal Instruments recently updated the Vibration Utilities app (available for iOS and Android). This app supports features assisting in calculations related to the shock and vibration testing industry.

Unit Conversion
Convert common units (metric and imperial) such as acceleration, velocity, displacement, voltage, force, stress, etc.

Unit conversion of acceleration, velocity, displacement, voltage, force, stress

Sine Motion
Input two values to calculate the remaining Acceleration/Velocity/Displacement (AVD) values for a sinusoidal motion. The available values are frequency, acceleration, velocity, and displacement.

sinusoidal motion calculator

Shock Calculator
Input shock parameters to calculate the AVD values of a shock pulse.

shock value calculator for vibration testing

Random Calculator: PSD to RMS
Input three values to calculate the remaining value for a constant Random Power Spectral Density (PSD). The available values are min frequency, max frequency, amplitude (Engineering Units (EU)2/Hz), and RMS (EU).

Random Power Spectral Density (PSD) calculator for vibration testing

Log Gain Calculator
Calculate the gain between an input (reference) value and an output value, in terms of ratio or dB.

log gain calculator for vibration testing

Percentage Error Calculator
Calculate the percentage error between true value (reference) and error value. Values can also be calculated in dB.

Percentage error calculator for vibration testing

Random Profile Editor
Calculate the attributes of a Random Breakpoint Table PSD.

Random Breakpoint Table PSD for Vibration Testing

Sine Profile Editor
Calculate the attributes of a Sine Sweep Spectrum.

Sine Profile Editor for Vibration Testing

Shock Profile Editor
Calculate the characteristics of a Shock profile.

Shock profile editor for vibration testing

Shakers for Vibration Testing
Users can search through Sentek Dynamics shakers based on their AVD and mass testing requirements.

Shakers for vibration testing

Vibration Test Controllers and Data Acquisition Devices
Users can search through Crystal Instruments vibration test controllers and data acquisition devices.

Installation on Mobile Devices
The Vibration Utilities app is available for iOS and Android devices.

Users can choose from the following methods to install the app.

  • Search for “Vibration Utilities” in the iOS App or Google Play store.

  • Click on the following icons to open the app page.

  • Scan the following QR code and the app page will open.

    Left: Vibration Utilities for iOS

    Right: Vibration Utilities for Android

QR code for Vibration Utilities App
QR code for Android Vibration Utilities App for Vibration Testing