VIB-104 Vibration Control Advanced (December 2025)
VIB-104 Vibration Control Advanced (December 2025)
Kannapolis, North Carolina - December 2025
Overview: Hands-on testing of advanced topics building on our popular VIB-101 course. Develop and run tests on customer driven topics: Multi-Sine, Sine Beat, Resonance Search and Dwell, SRS and Sine on Random, Random narrowband on Random and Sine on Random narrowband on Random, Transient Waveform Replication. Introduction to unique solutions for Blade Fatigue, Stockbridge Damper and Sine Oscillator. Capture field data (including data with strong harmonics) and calculate Fatigue Damage Spectrum – replicate on shaker and accelerate damage life. Learn how to optimize displays and use unique visualization to see the mode shape in real time. Automatically generate report to document the testing when the test is completed. Post process data including time data and export to various formats.
Design and implement advanced profile types
Instrumentation best practices – accelerometers and other sensors
Customer driven focus: MultiSine, Sine Beat, Resonance Search and Dwell, SRD, SRS, SoR, RoR, SoRoR, TWR
Introduction to Sine Oscillator, Blade Fatigue, Stockbridge Damper
Data preview – time, processed data, and troubleshooting
Capture field data, edit and compute Fatigue Damage Spectrum, create profile and accelerate
Data reduction and post processing including export