2023 IMAC XLI Recap (Austin, TX)
Jeff Zhao, Ph.D. (Crystal Instruments Senior Product Manager) and Mark Holland (Sentek Dynamics Application Engineer)
Sentek Dynamics and Crystal Instruments returned to the 41st IMAC conference in Austin, Texas. The 2023 IMAC XLI conference attracted an international audience with attendees from the aerospace, defense, and academic sectors as well as 38 commercial exhibitors. This annual event started as a forum for sharing new developments in the field of structural dynamics. Today, papers are presented on a myriad of topics ranging from predictive modeling to signal processing and touch all areas of engineering.
The IMAC conference serves the broader technical community as a meeting place to learn and dialogue about the most recent research, practices, and innovations taking place within the field of structural dynamics. The Sentek Dynamics team appreciated the opportunity to meet new and established users.
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