Acoustic Testing at Roam Robotics Using Spider-20E Analyzer

Roam Robotics is a San Francisco-based company expanding human mobility with wearable robotics focused in three areas: recreation support, medical orthotics, and military applications.

Each application requires a thorough investigation to ensure user safety and comfort. Crystal Instruments is proud to provide the four channel Spider-20E dynamic signal analyzer for Roam to perform acoustic testing on their products.

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NASA CI-GRS (Ground Recording System) Feedback

NASA’s response to Crystal Instruments addressed items NASA found beneficial, items NASA wanted changed, and items NASA benchmark tested on the prototype units. The Crystal Instruments prototype GRS systems were delivered according to a contractual agreement and performed well when tested for each listed specification with some areas of improvement.

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Amplitude Precision and Linearity

Amplitude precision is a simple specification that quantifies a channel’s amplitude error. The error is the difference between the nominal input amplitude and the channel’s measured amplitude.

Amplitude linearity is a way to specify the precision over a range of nominal input amplitudes. Precision typically depends on the input amplitude, and when just one number is provided for the amplitude precision specification, it is usually at 1 kHz and 1 V.

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Modal Analysis of MRI QBC Carrier Using EDM Modal

The experimental object undergoing modal analysis in this paper is a medical MRI QBC carrier structure, which is used to support patients laying in beds. The entire carrier is comprised of FRP composite material, and a thin board sheet installed with chips, capacitors, resistors, and other components is adhered in the middle section. For the experimental modal test, the carrier is hung using elastic ropes to imitate free-free boundary conditions.

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Modal Analysis of Locomotive Wheel Using EDM Modal

This article examines the acquisition of modal characteristics from a train wheel through experimental modal analysis. Train wheel and rail interactions are critical components worth studying. If the wheel-rail interactions while accelerating or braking excite any of the system modes during the ride operation, it can induce an undesirable effect upon the passengers’ ride and comfort. Hence, the execution of modal analysis is vitally important.

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Modal Analysis of Robot Using EDM Modal

In this case, the modal characteristics of a robot are acquired by performing experimental modal analysis. This robot is used in combats where the winner tries to destroy the opponent by causing damage or breaking crucial components. A quick modal survey reveals the natural frequencies, damping and mode shapes of the robot which helps users identify weak links in the structure. Hence, modal analysis plays a significant part in optimizing the design and performance of these robots.

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