Modal Analysis of Robot Using EDM Modal

In this case, the modal characteristics of a robot are acquired by performing experimental modal analysis. This robot is used in combats where the winner tries to destroy the opponent by causing damage or breaking crucial components. A quick modal survey reveals the natural frequencies, damping and mode shapes of the robot which helps users identify weak links in the structure. Hence, modal analysis plays a significant part in optimizing the design and performance of these robots.

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Auto-Wake Function for Data Acquisition (DAQ), Machine Condition Monitoring, and Vibration Analysis

The auto-wake feature is a new and powerful function provided in EDM 10.0 software. This feature allows users to set up a wake-up alarm for Spiders to power on, perform a test, and power off. Users can upload up to 8 predefined tests and run these in Black Box mode (without a connection to a computer or network to run). This convenient mode allows users to acquire data autonomously or with little user intervention.

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Advantages of Circular Recording vs. Standard Timestream Recording

Some data acquisition applications will inevitability run into one of the most common problems of the information age: information overload. Today, modern DAQ systems, such as the highly versatile Crystal Instruments Spider product line, can store significant amounts of vibration data. Now, memory limitations are significant. However, sifting through large amounts of data in order to capture a small transient event is undesirable.

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Turbine Blade Fatigue Testing Overview

Turbine engines are the power sources of aircrafts. The reliability of turbine engines is crucial when ensuring aircraft safety. Failure analysis of turbine engines reveals the catastrophic damage a turbine blade failure can cause to the engine, depending on the location of the blade. Turbine blade fatigue testing can help engineers investigate and improve the material and design of turbine blades.

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Ground Vibration Testing (GVT) of Aircraft Assembly

A Ground Vibration Test (GVT) involves carrying out modal analysis of an aircraft and its sub-assembly components to analyze and detect any changes in their structural properties. The modal parameters determined through this testing are used to validate analytical models. The modal characteristics are also used to predict the flutter of the aircraft in order to create a safe flight envelope before flight operation. Thus, GVT is a crucial process in the design and development cycle of aircrafts.

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Multiple-Exciter Single-Axis (MESA) Vibration Control with Crystal Instruments Vibration Controller

This paper discusses the usage and unique features of Multiple-Exciter Single-Axis (MESA) control with Crystal Instruments vibration controller.

MESA is a type of multiple exciter setup with all exciters arranged along a single axis. The goal is to combine the excitation forces and dimensional capabilities from multiple exciters to test a long and/or large Unit Under Test. MIL-STD-810G Method 527 discusses the terminology involving single and multiple exciter testing configurations.

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Acoustic Control

Aerospace hardware (i.e., space crafts) require high intensity acoustic level testing, which is usually accomplished inside a RATF (reverberant acoustic test facility). The acoustic noise level inside the RATF at NASA Plum Brook test station can reach 163 dB, which is the highest level among all RATFs around the world.

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Video Capture for Test Monitoring

Video Capture is a new EDM Extension that works with IP cameras for vibration test monitoring and data acquisition. This feature provides real-time video monitoring and video or photo recording of the test process or any object of interest along with data acquisition. The Video Capture feature is available in EDM VCS (vibration control system) and EDM DSA (dynamic signal analysis) software for the Spider platform. Dome or box type IP cameras using the ONVIF protocol are supported by the video capture feature.

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