Electric Vehicle (EV) Battery Testing with Crystal Instruments

In the evolving world of transportation, Electric Vehicles (EV) have become a superior choice for consumers, resulting in a rising demand for automobile manufactures to produce safe, reliable, and efficient EV’s.  Along with the higher production volume comes rigorous standards for testing, specifically when it comes to the crucial components, such as battery packs. 

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Crystal Instruments’ Jordi Gargallo gives keynote “Structural Testing” presentation at Vibration Institute local seminar in Cairo, Egypt

Crystal Instrument’s European Sales Manager Jordi Gargallo, along with RITEC’s Managing Director Dr. Aly El-Shafei, gave respective keynote presentations on Structural Testing and Standardized Fan Diagnostics according to ISO 13373-5 at the Vibration Institute local seminar in Cairo, Egypt on June 21st, 2023. The seminar was organized by Crystal Instrument’s Middle Eastern distributor RITEC to provide valuable technical knowledge for leading engineers, technicians, and specialists working in the vibration and condition monitoring fields.

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Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2023 in Stuttgart, Germany (June 13-15, 2023)

Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2023 was held in Stuttgart, Germany. Every year, all the main providers in the automotive testing industry share their latest products and technologies at this international exhibition. Our team was pleased to reconnect with current and new users, partners, and colleagues. We shared our latest product launches and newest innovations for environmental testing, structural testing, condition monitoring, and data acquisition.

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Modal Analysis of Satellite using EDM Modal

The Canadian Space Agency recently performed the Modal Analysis of a RADARSAT Satellite using five modal shakers. It is important to obtain the modal analysis of the unit-under-test because information about the natural frequencies, damping coefficients and mode shapes can be used to optimize its design and improve its structural behavior. The modal parameters about the mechanical properties of a structure help users understand its vibration characteristics during operating conditions.

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Using the CoCo-90X to ensure safe and reliable lift bridge operations

Using purpose driven equipment like the CoCo-90X, an advanced battery powered dynamic signal analyzer that scales up to 16 input channels, IVC Technologies can collect more input channels than traditional walk around data collectors and can record time streams for several minutes or longer to observe and capture data from the entire raising and lowering of the bridge in one data set. With 16 channels, vibration data can be collected on the motors, gearboxes, and sheave bearings synchronously. This both reduces the overall collection time and increases the ability to properly access the synchronous data.

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