Multi-Resolution Application in MIMO Sine Control

Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) vibration testing has increased in popularity as a result of the development of multiple shaker table systems and the availability of MIMO vibration controllers. The readiness of standards such as Mil-STD 810G Method 527 and the IEST DTE 022 Working Group Recommendation have also contributed to the huge momentum MIMO testing has gained in the past decade.

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Crystal Instruments April 2020 Webinar Series Summary

During the month of April, Crystal Instruments was proud to host two installments of our new webinar series. The first installment took place March 31st to April 2nd and focused on vibration basics, as well as vibration control testing for random vibration profiles. The second installment, which took place April 14th to April 16th, focused on modal analysis concepts and carrying out a modal test using Crystal Instruments Experimental Modal Analysis software.

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Strain Gage Connections

When designing and testing materials and products it is essential to understand its material properties and how it reacts to the forces and loads applied to it. The deformation a DUT experiences when a force is applied is called strain. Strain is the ratio of the change in length of a material to the original length. Strain can be positive (tensile) or negative (compressive).

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Modal Space - In Our Own Little World

Is there any real advantage to MIMO testing?

Why not just use SISO and then move the shaker? Let's talk about the differences.

Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) testing has many advantages when compared to data collected from single input single output (SISO) testing. The energy from multiple shakers allows the structure to be more uniformly excited throughout the entire structure and thus allows for the development of better frequency response functions (FRF).

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NewsDr. Pete Avitabile
ISTA Performance Testing with Crystal Instruments Environmental Testing Solutions

The International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) partnered with to develop the testing series to challenge the capability of packages and products to withstand transportation standards while utilizing the general simulation of actual transport hazards. Please note that these tests may not comply with carrier packaging regulations and are designed only to address transportation hazards.

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Crystal Instruments International Sales Meeting – Barcelona, Spain

During the first week of March, Crystal Instruments hosted an International Sales Meeting for our European distributors in Barcelona, Spain. Guests representing our distributors in Europe attended the meeting: Scanditest, Alphatech Ltd, dB Vib, Kistler Eastern, Kvalitest, Alava Ingenieros, Akron, Balkanlar, ADM, Viaxys, Disynet, Sensing, VibroAkustik, Ecspdm and emTEST.

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Modal Space - In Our Own Little World

How many points are enough when running a modal test? Let's discuss this.

I expected that eventually you would get around to asking me that question. Its another one that I get asked all the time. Basically the simplest answer is that you need to measure a sufficient number of points so that you can uniquely describe the mode shape. This answer may not be completely obvious. We need to talk about this a little more. Let's start with a simple structure that we have discussed before. The simple plate structure.

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NewsDr. Pete Avitabile
IMAC XXXVIII 2020 – Houston, Texas

Crystal Instruments attended the IMAC XXXVIII conference and exposition in Houston, Texas last week. The IMAC conference focuses strongly on structural dynamics and has evolved to encompass the latest technologies supporting this field. Every year, IMAC welcomes many first-time attendees from post graduate schools all over the world.

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